Realistic 3d model of portable electric bullhorn. Megaphone is an electric acoustic device with loud speaker, usually equipped with a siren, used for amplification of a sound (mostly human voice). Its main purpose is a public voice warning. It means it used by speakers to bring some information in public places. Besides the popular use, the electric megaphones are often used by special services, such as fire brigades, lifeguards, fishing inspections, police and other structures.
The megaphone is a needed thing on the vessels and river yachts for communication. The amplifying of a voice by this device lets transmit it to far distance. The bigger the megaphone cone and more powerful its built-in amplifier are, the louder and clearer is the voice from it. The actual megaphone 3d model device consists of few main components. They are the handle with the orange ON button, the cylinder of amplifier with microphone and volume regulator on it. The same part is used for power supply, which are usually the banal batteries. Naturally, the "heart" of the megaphone 3d model are the big cone and speaker inside. The 3d model of megaphone comes with the rolled fabric lace, hanging at the bottom of the megaphone. In a real megaphone its purpose is to hold a device on an user’s wrist. The real megaphone also has the antibacterial covering of the surface. This 3d model comes in four color options. The fully red megaphone is the default megaphone coloring of this 3d model. Blue megaphone 3d model has the white cone. The yellow one has white and yellow cone, and the grey option has a white cone. All these materials are in the scene file. To have another coloring you need just to apply the existing material to the actual megaphone 3d model. The look of this megaphone 3d model, as well as its color variations, you can observe on the number of the renderings of this photorealistic model.
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