ColorCorrect Texture Plugin for 3ds Max

Aug 7, 2020 Update
Poster of a brief overview of the free texture plugin ColorCorrect for 3ds Max.


The Color Correct plugin is quite simple, after installation, it adds a new map of the same name to the list of 3ds Max maps. The features and the interface of the recently added map a kind of mix from V-ray VRayColor and a standard 3ds Max Output map. If you are a V-ray person &#128516, you are familiar with both maps and will instantly understand how to use it. If you are a user of another renderer, just look at the explanation scheme below. The most interesting parts are the plugin's gamma correction and contrast (see under the Brightness (%)) abilities.

The ColorCorrect alters the colors of any map. This means that you can correct the colors of either a Bitmap or any of the procedural maps. This is very convenient and flexible tool. You can consider ColorCorrect as an improved analog of VRayColor and 3ds Max Output cards. It has the advantages of both and provides some additional features such as Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and also provides the ability to manage color in HSV, HSL color modes. It's like a piece of Photoshop built into 3ds Max.

ColorCorrect comparing Output and VRayColor

With ColorCorrect you can use the same map in different parts of the scene with different values of brightness, contrast, gamma and so on, what eliminates the need for editing the maps in raster editor such as Photoshop and creating different variations on your hard disk. Also this will reduce the total size of the scene and the consumption of memory by 3ds Max, because no longer need to have a lot of different copies of bitmaps in memory.

Where to Download ColorCorrect plugin for Free

To find and download, for free, a suitable version of a ColorCorrect plugin for 3ds Max you can visit the website of Cuneyt Ozdas, the author of ColorCorrect:

The plugin comes as an installer and will install itself directly to the 3ds Max plugin folder automatically.

Screenshot of the installation process of ColorCorrect texture plugin for 3ds Max.


As you can see, ColorCorrect plugin has almost all necessary color correction tools, possibly with exception of exposure compensation. But it not a problem either, in case if you faced with this need, but you do not have professional 2d editor at hand, you can use Free Online HDR Image Converter tool for this purpose. It work with high resolution 32-bit HDR and EXR files and allows you to convert them into usual 8-bit images, as well as adjust their exposure.

Returning to ColorCorrect, we know cases when some 3d artists didn't want to get a new version of 3ds Max until ColorCorrect for new Max was published. This is how much 3dmaxers like ColorCorrect :) Maybe you will also love it and this plug-in will help you in your everyday work.

I hope you found this article useful. See you in a following publications.

Jan 24, 2010
Very Helpful. Thanks!
X-Dream 3D
Feb 21, 2010
Very Helpfull...Great job thanks a lot!
Oct 2, 2010
thanks for your tricks n good qualities model!
Feb 13, 2011
Would colorCorrect for 3ds Max 2009 work with 3ds Max 2011?
Feb 13, 2011
Maksvel, there is no the official version of ColorCorrect for 3ds Max 2011. But at the ColorCorrect for 3ds Max 2010 already done as beta version. Better try it, instead of 2009. By the way, in the versions of 3ds Max 2010 and higher no longer an urgent need for an external plugin. Since these versions of similar procedural correction card included in the standard 3ds Max. This card is similar even called - Color Correction. And it almost duplicates the functionality of the original plug-ColorCorrect.
Mar 8, 2011
Lessons on V-Ray settings there are no words! Finally, then at least someone could tell argued about everything. Thank you so much! I even take notes everywhere! He decided to study all your lessons. I reached before and could not understand how it works. I think that's why there are fewer of all comments. Could you give a specific example of application ColorCorrect (I and Output do not apply and do not know where to do it). When it is necessary to use ColorCorrect, and how does it start? Apparently he was very right, it just about 2 lessons. And I do not want to miss the chance to learn something useful from knowledgeable people! :) I think the particular case would explain a lot. Thank you in advance.
Mar 8, 2011
Hello, kossbloody! As we understand it, you see the lesson on the coverage of VRaySky correction . This is one of the brightest examples of ColorCorrect. As described here, and in it, the essence of all corrective cards such as ColorCorrect or Output - is to add extra features to the maps. As a parameter, and a bitmap . For example, you need to make the material of the tree, but its texture is not enough saturated. Using standard bodies raster map management in 3ds Max, the maximum that you can do - is to change the brightness or color balance. However, just raise the contrast or, for example, color saturation (saturation) will not work. Of course, you can throw this texture in Photoshop (PS) and raise its contrast there. But will it be comfortable? About the fact that change and peresohraenie raster map - an irreversible process, generally a separate topic. You can not go back to the previous view after its texture changes in the PS. To make such a correction of more rational enough to invest in their texture corrective parametric map and means ColorCorrect and adjust its parameters as desired. That such a scheme is described in the above tutorial. The only difference is that there is not corrected raster map tree and parametric map VraySky.
Mar 8, 2011
RenderStuff, mm. How to use for the correction of texture, for example, a tree, I would like to understand. You must create at Editore materials VRay material, and to the channel, for example, Deffuse appoint ColorCorrect card, and then put it in a Bitmap and adjust. Right? And for VRay Sky: Assign to envirenment map VRay Sky, then transfer it to the materials Editore (Instance), where instead of her press ColorCorrect, then again inside ColorCorrect'a appoint VRay Skay, adjust and throw back into Envirenment (Instance). Right? It seems to me, in that subject matter at all in that order :)
Mar 8, 2011
Yes, in the topic everyone, who early to think about it, for sure there is such a question :) As already mentioned in the comments to the above lesson, those who sent this tip, do not get confused with the sequence. If a person is well acquainted with the work described by the tool, its use of non-standard, he easily understands intuitively. To do this, you need to know the very foundation. But if you also want to figure it out, the easiest way - to enclose any current map (eg VRaySky) in another slot card (eg ColorCorrect). You can do it, if you go to the current map in the Material Editor, and the top of the right-click on its name. Then the list of available maps. Choose the right and you will see Replace Map dialog box. It prompts you to select:
Discard old map? (Get rid of the last card?) Or Keep old map as sub-map? (Save the old kakrtu as a sub-card?) Choose Keep old map as sub-map and your current card is in the slot selected. Of course, if you selected a map designed for such use.
Jul 22, 2011
Hi guys, I have for some time now tormented by one question, a problem, I am not a programmer and znaimatsya time writing the script I do not, maybe you can help me. In general the case, for Max 2012 No ColorCorrect plug and probably not expected, although I think you already know, and so is it possible to write a script to replace the standard ColorCorrect Color Correction? The matter is still quite a lot of models (not just you) are using this plugin and it can not be loaded otstutstvie render to Backburner, unless you find all the materials where it is present and replace. It would be great if there was a script that will automatically find and replaces the built-in plug-in on.
Jul 23, 2011
Hello, Andrey! ColorCorrect this plugin razrabatvyemy intuziasty Cuneyt Ozdas on a completely free basis. Beginning with 3ds Max 2009, as you already know, in Max appeared staffing built ColorCorrection.My card do not know whether ColorCorrection appeared with the consent of Cuneyt Ozdas or he was simply & quot; pinched & quot; developers of 3ds Max, but apparently Cuneyt just scored its development, trite considering it irrelevant, in the standard card background ColorCorrection.Navernyaka this reason, the latest official version was ColorCorrect for 3ds max 2009 and a beta version of ColorCorrect for 3ds max 2010, which is also suitable for 3ds max 2011. Whatever it was, at the moment the development of ColorCorrect apparently not carried out. ColorCorrect for 3ds max 2010/2011 for 3ds max 2012 does not fit, but the official version ColorCorrect for 3ds max 2012 just net.My found no converter, a script or a plug-in that he would have to automatically convert from SolorSorrect in ColorCorrection. The only way to convert is by hands. Of course, this is not easy and boring. We recently stopped use ColorCorrect it in our free 3d models, even though this plug-in is cool. Est a saying & quot; All that is done - for the better & quot ;, but this is not always the case, in particular, in this case:) as for the establishment of the creaking, the best place to deal with such issues, a dedicated website ScriptSpot. However, there are already raised this issue, but it remained unanswered...
Anton (RenderStuff)
Oct 21, 2011
Released for the 2012 Color Correct x86 x64: Thanks to the author for this plugin and his work!
Nov 1, 2011
Comrades! Such a problem. Colorcorrect installed without problems. I opened the mat. Editore, drag the map in difuz colorcorrect, normal flight, but it is necessary to open it as max gives an error message that the program will shut down and everything is closed, respectively. :( I've read that many such problem, but alas solutions yet. Maybe something you advise on this matter. The Max 2011 x86
Anton (RenderStuff)
Nov 3, 2011


Yes, there is such a problem, but we have not personally experienced it, as we use an earlier version of 3ds Max *PARDON*

You should look at the Developer Forum the ColorCorrect .

Certainly, there is the issue discussed;)

Nov 3, 2011
Solution found !!! I put standard Color Correction into diffuse slot and set RGB Gamma / Contrast to 0.4545 and that's it !!!
Nov 6, 2011
Hey. Understood nothing. It was an error colorcorrect, rather than colorcorrection. What's the catch: |
Anton (RenderStuff)
Nov 7, 2011
Granted, it was not on the color correction, but more importantly, that Maxim has decided his problem: D Though for these purposes ColorCorrect in general, that is not necessary, as the actual and the local gamma correction parametric maps.
Dec 9, 2011
to Plotnik's right. It was about kolorkorekta error. And I gave the example of (alternative) standard use kolorkorekshn card. As a result identical to the result. But recently, on large requests, the author has released an update to its plug-in) So, download, test) new version v3.4.105
Dec 12, 2011
Maxim, thank you. But I max and with v3.4.105 flies ..: | What to do? Who is guilty?
Dec 14, 2011
To Plotnik I max 2011 sp2 Flight excellent * THUMBS UP * Poprobey can update fixed a max: | and completely remove the previous version of the plugin
Feb 22, 2012
Does it make sense to use color correct for materials with textures? I personally bleaching materials is observed only in pure materials with color without a map, and materials with textures is no such problem.
Anton (RenderStuff)
Feb 23, 2012
Maybe there are some real situations, when it is needed. We are, in their practice, not encountered such. If the material is made in good faith, separate specially created texture for it, then no further correction is needed;)
May 14, 2012
plz tut me how to install colourcorrect in 3dsmax :D
May 15, 2012
Hi, Actually, this is not a problem at all. First, you download the setup file and launch it. When the installer asks you the destination path, you specify the root folder where 3ds Max is. Usually, it looks like C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max\. This is all you have to do for plugin installation. Also, note that if you have 3ds Max 2009 or higher, then the 3ds Max itself contains the bulit-in analog for ColorCorrect, which is called ColorCorrection. Since 2009, it is a default procedural map and it can be used identically ;
Nov 14, 2016
Thank you for such high quality and free tutorials!!!
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