In this tip, you will learn how to correct the color of the ambient lighting created by the VRaySky map placed into environment slot. Oversaturated, sluggish, with bluish color bleeding, unrealistic exterior or interior 3D architectural visualizations are common thing among V-Ray beginners and beyon
This is a shortcut on how to get 3ds Max 2008 and V-Ray 1.5 to work with gamma correction 2.2. It contains step-by-step instructions illustrated with the appropriate screenshots. If you do not want to delve deep into the theory, but just want to set up your workflow to work with gamma 2.2, this guid
In practice, it is more convenient (sometimes even the only possible option) - to use a simple built-in Standard 3ds Max Camera instead of specific for V-Ray - VRayPhysicalCamera. You can also deal with a situation where the scene shooting frame and exposure level are already tied to VRayPhysicalCam
Probably most of those involved in architectural 3D visualization have faced the need to create images with no perspective distortion. For example, an axonometric projection of a building or even flat interior plans as a guide for interior builders and decorators. Sometimes the question arises: "How
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